Our precious, littlest baby is 19-weeks and 1 day old today. In just eleven days we will know whether he/she is a boy or a girl. Still trying to decide how we'll share the good news with all of you whom we love :)
According to the internet, baby is beginning a rapid-growth phase and his/her sensory development is exploding. The brain is busy developing its specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He/she may be able to hear me and Nick's voice now. Baby weighs about 8 ounces and measures 6 inches from head to bottom - not including the length of the legs. Getting big, but sounds pretty skinny to me. Also, the hair on the scalp is beginning to sprout through the skin!
How AMAZING is all of this?!?! God's handiwork and intricate, specific weaving-together of our little baby creates thoughts and emotions that are hard to put into words.
Here's a link to show roughly what the baby looks like now:
When we go for our gender-reveal ultrasound in 11 days, the doctors will also have a good look and measurement of every body part - to make sure everything is developing normally. I am sobered by the thought that the God who gave us this second little life also holds within His power wether or not that life will be "normal." So many things could be wrong, abnormal, etc. We have precious, precious friends who, beyond any control of their own, have children with severe disabilities and special needs. Why, God, why? Why are some healthy and why are some born into such suffering?
I praise you that we can know that whatever our baby's life will be, it will be in your hands and in your will. Whatever is revealed in this next ultrasound, we can remain steadfast in praise to you. You are the God who gives AND the God who takes away. The God who brings glory to Himself through health and blessing AND through sickness and suffering.
In the meantime, while we can't wait to see our wonderful, new baby......
Here are some pictures of our wonderful, other baby. Eating his spinach and tomato omelet in his "big boy chair" (as he says) because he's too strong willed to sit properly in his highchair and mommy was too desperate to avoid another conflict. They've become pretty frequent these days.
Dear Lord, please give me and Nick the wisdom and patience to discipline our children and to deter them from selfishness. And please, please help them to learn that they must bend their wills and obey! For Jesus' sake in their lives........Amen.
According to the internet, baby is beginning a rapid-growth phase and his/her sensory development is exploding. The brain is busy developing its specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He/she may be able to hear me and Nick's voice now. Baby weighs about 8 ounces and measures 6 inches from head to bottom - not including the length of the legs. Getting big, but sounds pretty skinny to me. Also, the hair on the scalp is beginning to sprout through the skin!
How AMAZING is all of this?!?! God's handiwork and intricate, specific weaving-together of our little baby creates thoughts and emotions that are hard to put into words.
Here's a link to show roughly what the baby looks like now:
When we go for our gender-reveal ultrasound in 11 days, the doctors will also have a good look and measurement of every body part - to make sure everything is developing normally. I am sobered by the thought that the God who gave us this second little life also holds within His power wether or not that life will be "normal." So many things could be wrong, abnormal, etc. We have precious, precious friends who, beyond any control of their own, have children with severe disabilities and special needs. Why, God, why? Why are some healthy and why are some born into such suffering?
I praise you that we can know that whatever our baby's life will be, it will be in your hands and in your will. Whatever is revealed in this next ultrasound, we can remain steadfast in praise to you. You are the God who gives AND the God who takes away. The God who brings glory to Himself through health and blessing AND through sickness and suffering.
In the meantime, while we can't wait to see our wonderful, new baby......
Here are some pictures of our wonderful, other baby. Eating his spinach and tomato omelet in his "big boy chair" (as he says) because he's too strong willed to sit properly in his highchair and mommy was too desperate to avoid another conflict. They've become pretty frequent these days.
Dear Lord, please give me and Nick the wisdom and patience to discipline our children and to deter them from selfishness. And please, please help them to learn that they must bend their wills and obey! For Jesus' sake in their lives........Amen.