Sunday, December 15, 2013


It's been far too long since my last update.  
Pregnancy + full time job + holidays = BBBUUUSSSYYY.  Here's some of what's transpired.....

- Our baby boy is now 23 weeks old!  He is punching and kicking pretty often - and growing.  My belly is proof.  He's about the size of a large mango.

- We have chosen a name: JORDAN ANDREW GALYEN. 

-We've had wishes of Christmas shopping, decorating, and Christmas card making - but we've done none of it.  After a full day at work and taking care of things at home and church, there's neither time nor energy left for anything else.

- I have turned in my notice at work.  My last day will be Friday, January 3.  I'm soooo excited and grateful for the chance to prepare for Jordan and have my heart and energies back at home!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



THANK YOU Laura McAnly for our delicious cake!!!

Soon to be Revealed

This cake holds the answer inside.
We'll know in about 2 hours!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Heeeere's Baby!!!

Introducing baby Galyen!
We watched him/her on the screen for over 30 minutes today.  Absolutely delightful!  He was moving his left arm a little and twitching his head quite a bit.  I wish I could have watched it for hours.  The umbilical chord and spinal chord were incredibly visible.  Nick saw the heart racing away and asked the ultrasound tech if that was the baby's eye blinking.  She really got a kick out of that!

So, we left the ultrasound with the gender of the baby concealed in a double envelope.  That envelope felt like a hot-potato.  So hard to hold it in our hands and not know what it said inside!!!  As of tonight, it is exactly one week before we will learn, with our parents and siblings, whether we're having a boy or girl.  My sweet friend Laura McAnly is making a from-scratch chocolate cake with chocolate ganache icing - with either a pink or blue layer or icing in the middle. Oh......the wait......

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fall Baby Updates

I'm wearing my first pair of maternity jeans today :)  SO much more comfortable than my normal ones that I've been squeezing myself into.

Last night we spent the evening with our pastor and his wife who've just adopted their fifth child from India. Little Lyla was particularly fond of Nick - reaching for him to hold her all throughout the night. Then, as soon as he would put her down, her little sister Katie-Pierce would also ask to be held. Her jealousy demanded equal treatment :). Nick was quite the chick magnet.

Tomorrow the baby will be 19 weeks old - exactly half way through its development.  I've noticed a few little changes this week, and they're making me a bit paranoid.  Are they the product of a growing baby or the product of some change with the baby that isn't a positive one?  I'm itching for my doctors appointment next week to know that everything is ok!

The appointment is Wednesday.  We will have the ultrasound (approx an hour long) to measure and learn the sex of the baby and then meet w/ the doc.  We're not going to actually learn the gender on Wednesday, however.  Our plan is to keep the information sealed in an envelope, to be opened and revealed when we're with our family for Thanksgiving.  Fun, fun, fun. 

Nick and I are taking a little getaway the weekend before Thanksgiving to an Amish community.  Then I'm off work the whole week of Thanksgiving.  During that time I'll have my 31st birthday, we'll learn the gender of our baby, and we'll celebrate the holiday with Nick's family.  Don't think I've ever been quite so excited about Thanksgiving-time :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our Little Sweet Potato

Websites and medical charts say that this week our little baby is about the size of a 6-inch sweet potato.  They also say I can be feeling the baby move any time now.  I haven't felt any of that yet.....but I'll certainly let you know when I do. 

We have a few names in mind - but we're not quite so eager to share those.  
People seem quick to share their opinions, likes, and dislikes about names, so we may just have to keep that little tidbit to ourselves.  For now, anyway.

I am now 18 weeks pregnant.  Next Saturday I will be exactly at the half-way mark.  Goodness!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Quiet Thoughts....

Just sitting here alone at the kitchen table.  Dark outside and its not even 6 p.m.  Just me and Chloe here; resting in complete silence.  

It really is so very crazy that in just a few months I'll hardly ever know silence again.  How drastically our life is going to change from the way we've known it in these amazing past seven years of marriage.

I continue to be stunned at how wonderful my husband is; how exceptional.  He is so so good to me and for me.  His walk with the Lord gives me peace and strength.  Crazy to think about him being a daddy.  Although I'm sure he'll do that like he does everything else - excellently.

I came in from my run with Chloe this morning and looked down at my belly (quite a bit more obvious now) and said, "Nick............. we're going to have a BABY."  His reply: "Yeah - crazy - when is it going to start feeling real?"

Even though we know in our minds that life is going to change, we know we can't comprehend how much or in what ways.  For now I'll just enjoy my quiet time and my husband (while its just me and him) and keep on praising God for all the wonderful things He's doing in me and around me!  As Thanksgiving approaches, I'm feeling perhaps more thankful than ever!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our Little Avocado

Our baby is now the size of this avocado!  I cannot believe how much and how fast it is growing.  No wonder I've been so exhausted.  There's been an awful lot of construction goin on in my body.

I had a doctors appointment on Monday.  My mom went with me for the first time, and we had a lot of fun.  They said that my weight and blood pressure were great, and then......we got to hear the heartbeat.  I put Nick on speakerphone so he could hear it.  He and mom both said it sounded like a train.  About 140 beats per minute.  There was quite a bit of swishing noise in the background again, so he/she was moving around.

After the appointment we went to a few baby stores and looked at clothes.  So fun!  I found this "DADDY IS AWESOME" onesie and couldn't resist getting it for Nick.  He really liked it - although he didn't want his picture taken with it :(.  Me and mom also looked at fabric and sewing patterns; for the possibility of mom making some bedding and curtains for the nursery.  We just can't find anything online or in stores that we like.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Adopted Daughters

These were our adopted daughters for the weekend!

They kept us up till 2 a.m. Friday night and last night playing board games - OMG..... I don't think I've stayed up that long since high school.  
Sleep deprivation+pregnancy=deadness!

The girls were lovely participants of our youth discipleship weekend at church.  Together we shared bible study, prayer, practical jokes, waffles, eggs, bacon, pancakes, iced coffee, lots of candy, lots of dog kisses, and a few tears.  They were so sweet and funny and mischievous and polite - I think they've got Nick fairly confident that he could handle a little girl :)  A few have already informed us that they've claimed church nursery "rights" to the baby once he/she is born.

I promised the girls that they would make our baby blog.  
Girls, if you're reading, Nick and I hope for you the greatness of GOD'S perfect will for your lives, just as we wish that for our own child.

Yesterday, baby was 16-weeks old.  
4 months - WOW!
Doctors appointment tomorrow :) :) :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

15-Week Photo

This last photo is my 15-week belly - as compared to the first photo (9-weeks) and the second photo (12-weeks).  Still not a ton different, but I can definitely feel a difference.  If I run my hand down my stomach, there's a sudden hard bulge right in the middle of my torso.

I'm craving fruit and mexican food.  Nausea is markedly less.  

Nick and I enjoyed several hours Saturday night at Babys R Us and Target trying out lots of different strollers and other necessary baby equipment.  I'm trying to figure out what things are absolutely necessary and what things are just trendy gadgets that will unnecessarily clutter up my house :).  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overdue Update

It's been far too long since my last post.  Sorry about that - for all you few who are actually keeping up with our blog on baby.

Shew………….life is busy…….…..and we don’t even have kids yet!!!  Commitments and priorities are definitely gonna have to shift a bit when this little one comes along so that we can have sanity in our home and rest in our souls :)

Since the last time I posted:
-My brother has moved back to TN after over 10 years of living hours away in other states – YAY!
-Nick’s parents came for a short visit and were the first to tell me I had the “pregnancy glow.” 
-I’ve spent hours and hours writing my weekly newspaper column and also a (hopefully contest-winning) article about some friends who are adopting a special-needs child.
-Nick has been working lots of overtime and going in to work extremely early in the morning.  That added to my pregnancy fatigue makes us a sleepy sight to behold come about 7:30 every night!
-I went away with about 20 women from church on a Beth Moore retreat.  So, so much fun.  Love my church family!
-I went shopping with mom for maternity clothes.  The shop had an 8-month bump that I could Velcro on to figure out what clothes would fit in my third trimester.  I rather enjoyed seeing myself looking pregnant :) 
-We passed the 14-week mark!!!  As of now the baby is about the size of a lemon - OMG!  He's also beginning to grow hair, making facial expressions, and probably starting to suck his thumb.

This coming Saturday will be 15 weeks.  As promised, I’ll post another picture of my belly growth – or lack thereof.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We Heard the Heartbeat!

Praising God today for a HEALTHY BABY!!!  I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it!

At our doctor’s appointment yesterday, Nick and I heard the heartbeat.  Loud and strong.  And, the baby was being rowdy too.  There was a lot of swishing noise in addition to the heartbeat, and doc said that was the baby moving and kicking – even though its only about the size of a golf ball!

I had been staying a little guarded thus far in the pregnancy.  We are aware of the high percentage of miscarriages in the first trimester, and I feel like I’ve had quite a bit of experience with God growing me through trial and hard things.  Those two facts combined…….. and, well……. I had totally prepared myself for bad news at yesterday’s appointment.  We didn’t get any bad news!  All good.  We are HAPPIER than usual today.

We also had the opportunity to ask a ton of questions about insurance coverage, payment particulars, and labor and delivery.  Everyone was so kind and patient and helpful.  We left with lots of info, joy in our hearts, and a plan to move forward.

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

9-weeks vs. 12-weeks

Ok folks.... I think we have a little pooch.... or maybe not.  I can't tell.  
The picture on top was at 9 weeks.  
The picture on the bottom is today, 12 weeks and one day.  
A precious friend at church told me today she could see "my pooch."  
It's kinda neat and kinda weird :)  
I guess I'll do another picture at 15 weeks.
I'll do another blog update Wednesday (after our appointment on Tuesday).

Saturday, September 28, 2013

12-week Update!

Today our little baby is 12 weeks old.  As far as I can tell, everything seems to be progressing ok.  Body parts are sore, I'm having to use the bathroom more frequently, I'm very tired, and still nauseous - although that seems to be letting-up a bit this week, which is nice.  We have a doctors appointment Tuesday, at which we'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat.  Thankful for that!  I've been anxious to get past this 12-week mark.  I think if/when we get past Tuesday's appointment with a clean bill of health, I think I'll really actually feel like this is all happening.  

According to books and websites, the baby is the size of a fig or walnut this week.  All of its major organs are complete, it has all of its teeth buds, its fingers are forming nails and fingerprints, and it is beginning to kick and move very actively.

We've been continuing to work on our room-transformations this week.  The guest room/study is completely finished and we love it!  We bought 2 new pieces of furniture from a store that was going out of business and had everything 50% off.  Those purchases were tough - I'm not accustomed to spending "new furniture" kind of money :)  So, our nursery furniture needs are complete now, other than getting a crib.  Hope we haven't done all of this too early.....

My MVP husband was hard at-it again today.  Me and my grandma left this morning to spend the afternoon in Nashville at my cousin Karen's baby shower (where I learned that baby showers are way funner when you're pregnant).  Anyway, by the time I got home, Nick had mowed the yard, painted the front door, and done four loads of laundry.  LLLOOOVVVEEE him.

I still can't really see any physical differences in myself, but I'll take a 12-week picture in the morning before church and post it for you all.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

MVP Husband

I’ve got the best husband!  When I came home from work Friday, Nick was in the kitchen making my favorite kind of box cake - white cake with white icing.  He grinned and said we needed to "celebrate the baby."  What that really meant in Nick language was "I've found a justified reason to indulge my sweet tooth."  It was really good, I must admit.  I know it looks incredibly simple and basic, but it was just so nice to have something that I actually wanted to eat.  Eating has been a tough chore lately.  

I felt so rough one day this week that I came home for lunch and stayed home the rest of the day.  Slept all afternoon.  Nick came home from work tippy-toeing in like a ghost so he wouldn’t wake me up.  Went out in our small garage and worked for well over an hour straightening and sorting things in an effort to make room for baby.  Then he came tippy-toeing in again and insisted that I think really hard about anything that sounded good for dinner cause he wanted to go out and get it.  Veggie pizza was the winner.  While he was out he got groceries.  I LOVE MY HUSBAND.  He’s the best - and hasn’t complained at all that I’ve really not been much fun lately.

This afternoon he woke me up from my nap moving furniture.  We've launched into the chore of converting our 2 spare rooms (currently one guest bedroom and one study) into one guest room/study and one nursery.  Big project!!!  Lots of cleaning and sorting and creativity involved.  I can only go for a couple of hours at a time before I get nauseous and exhausted, though, so Nick has been the main workhorse thus far.  This afternoon he just decided to light into it without me.  Here he is hanging one of our favorite scriptures above the guest bed.  What a guy! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baby's Best Friend..... Chloe

Chloe, our first baby (pictured above), turned 2 years old this week.  Wish I would have had felt well enough to throw her a much deserved party with all of her neighborhood doggie friends.  Chloe will no-doubt be our baby’s biggest fan, best friend, and most frequent kisser.  Chloe has brought so much happiness and laughter to our house since the day we got her!  She has stolen my heart, which I didn’t expect.  I had always thought it just a tad silly when people treated their dogs like a member of the family.  But now, I understand the sweet, constant blessing that they are.  Chloe has brought out my “Mommy heart.”  I had never really envisioned myself as the nurturing type………..but then we got Chloe and I turned very naturally into her mommy.  She's made me realize that I might actually be good at the real mommy gig.  I can’t wait for Chloe to meet the baby and have a little companion for the rest of her life!  Baby is 10 weeks old today.

Monday, September 9, 2013

9-Week Photos

I felt a bit silly doing this, but I've just always thought it's so neat to see the week-by-week progression of baby/belly growth on my pregnant friends.  So, here it is - me at 9 weeks!  No changes yet.  I think I'll probably wait until week 12 to do another photo.  Maybe there will be some change by then.

My fashionable photographer - a.k.a. Nick - questioned my choice of outfit for this photo opp.  He thought I should "get dressed and look nice."  But, I was thinking that the plain, monochromatic look would be much more fitting to show physical changes.  I don't know......... never done this before!  Lest everyone think I'm embracing the Goth look, maybe next time I'll put a little more effort into my outfit :) 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Baby for the Family

This is how we told our moms and dads our big news about 3 weeks ago.  We just knew they would be shocked.................not so.  Apparently they all "suspected."  I guess we gave it away with little comments about a doctor's appointment, taking naps during my lunch break, and making a two page housework/cleaning list :).  Classic "nesting," so I'm told.  Nevertheless, the big reveals to our awesome parents were really special for us and for them.  I think I feel as happy for them as I do for us!  We are currently tossing around the idea of having a family gender-reveal party.  Still torn on whether or not we want to know the sex of the baby.

This coming Saturday I'll be 9 weeks along.  I guess I'll take a photo of myself at that point to begin chronicling the belly-bump........ which is still nonexistent for the most part.  I think I can notice some slight changes, but certainly nothing that would turn heads like Princess Kate :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ultrasound Picture and Conception Story

Here it is – the first official baby picture!  Crazy, crazy, crazy. 

Nick and I were much relieved to see a good strong heartbeat yesterday and get an official due date of April 12.  Our phones chirped off-the-hook all night long with messages of love and congratulations.  It was so so lovely to feel so loved!

The story of this baby’s coming to be is quite a special one.  After several years, multiple tests, and various rounds of medication, Nick and I had contentedly reached a place where we believed we’d maybe (or probably) not be having biological children.  We were doing lots of praying and talking, therefore, about what God’s Kingdom plans and purposes for our life together might be.  We were content in His control.  Then in July, I kinda accidentally learned of a simple blood test that would bring much clarity to the question of whether or not we’d be able to conceive.  Thinking that this would be a good opportunity to gain some direction about what the future of our family might or might not look like, I trucked myself to the doctor to give ‘em some blood.  The test came back and the results were conclusive – babies highly unlikely, unless I was willing to take even more medicine.  I never could get a peace about that “more-medicine” route, so we just sorta let life carry on, kept seeking the Lord, and kept on loving on each other.  Well, little did we know that just a few days after that “very conclusive” blood test pretty much told us "no babies," my body produced an egg for the first time in a very long time and, well……..whatdaya know……. We’ve got a baby!

I just love how God has done this!  We will never be able to say that the doctors made it happen or that the medicine made it happen or that our planning and striving made it happen.  The medicine that helps most others didn’t help me.  The many trouble-shooting efforts of the doctors always turned up with no answers.  And, we ended up conceiving during a window of time that all women and docs know to be a highly, highly unlikely time for conception.  This was utterly unplanned and unexpected, and I love it.  I love the fact that God, not us, is in control of our lives!!!  

Now, I'm bemoaning all-day-long nausea and praying for the health of this little life that kinda came out of nowhere :) 

The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.  May the name of the Lord be praised!